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Post McDonald

Reason’s Brian Doherty looks at the future of the second amendment after recent victories in court. One of the common trends these days is to say that it won’t matter all that much. I think that’s ridiculous assertion. Fortunately, the guy leading the charge agrees with me:

Most intensely bad gun laws are enacted in places like New York or California or Illinois, and we’ve only had the ability to sue them for a few months [since McDonald]. The idea that it’s time to throw up our hands and declare it’s over because the ink is barely dry [on McDonald] and nothing has happened except for crazy people in criminal cases [losing Second Amendment claims] is a little premature.

5 Responses to “Post McDonald”

  1. The Duck Says:

    I agree, the fight is far from over, and the anti’s may have slunk off to lick their wounds but they will be back.

  2. Paul Says:

    We must fight them on the beaches….no that is channeling churchill.

    Yes we must fight until our brothers in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles are free.

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    We’re making progress here in California too.

  4. Stranger Says:

    We will have to fight them, one case at a time, until the anti’s cave. Or until the politicians who have staked their reputation on gun control legislation leave office and are replaced with more Constitutionally oriented office holders.

    Each court victory and every anti’s retirement loss is one more advance toward rational gun laws. The laws we had over a century ago, when effective door locks were almost unknown, and the homicide rate was less than one in one hundred thousand a year.


  5. mikee Says:

    Gura is a genius litigator, using well-selected incrementalist cases to build pro-rights precedents for the 2nd Amendment.

    The only way to back down from Heller and McDonald is to say citizens have no rights, none at all. Ain’t gonna happen.

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