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Quote of the day

Welcome to the fish bowl:

But the new reality is privacy is dead and so are secrets.

That genie is not going back in the bottle.

People, as individuals and as government agents, are going to have to adjust to the new reality. Those that can’t will continue to be “embarrassed” when their “secrets” are spread across the Internet. Once something leaves your head and is transmitted to someone else, it is effectively a public record because the Internet is forever.

So far we’ve been able to pretend privacy exists because for most people, no one cares to look.

5 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    There is one fortunate side effect. Eventually all the stored data will be so much that secrets will be kept for long periods simply based on how long it takes to sift through it all. It is like the information arms race. Go to sites like google. While they do pretty well on finding you what you ask for they also provide you with 900,000 pages of what you ask for..

  2. JKB Says:

    No one cared to look and if they did they actually had to expend some shoe leather to gather it up. That is why J. Edgar’s boys had all the dirt. All that has happened is that information collection and misuse is no longer the sole purview of government or corporations with the resources. We’re all G-men now.

    Of course, that doesn’t help the fact that we operate in a world of polite ignorance. Prurient interest may make you curious of what your neighbors do behind closed doors but in reality, you might have to eat off that table at some dinner party.

    The youngin’s have the right idea. With no privacy, you might as well strip off and sell the tape. You might as well post the info before someone else does. The only real problem is the off-line oldsters who still feign shock at such lack of privacy.

  3. chris Says:

    The Wikileaks classified document dump represents the Federal government’s chance to go through airport security.

    Welcome to our world, Federales.

  4. CarlS Says:

    Can I nominate Chris for Quote Of The Week?

    “The Wikileaks classified document dump represents the Federal government’s chance to go through airport security. Welcome to our world, Federales.”

  5. CarlS Says:

    Let me add to my earlier entry:

    ( cross reference to Making Hillary Clinton Feel ‘Welcome’. )

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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