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A simpler time

48 ads that would not be allowed today.

7 Responses to “A simpler time”

  1. julie Says:

    amazing how things have changed isn’t it …

  2. John Smith. Says:

    Quite a few of them were hilarious. Some kind of warped. The babies and the cellophane for instance.

  3. Hartley Says:

    Pretty strange, some of those.. but what is wrong with #48 – it looks OK to me?

  4. Jerry Says:

    She’d best not burn the fucking beer.

  5. Magus Says:

    Reminds me of a lot of old jokes.
    Note, I don’t endorse the views in the following jokes, just passing them along as examples following the adds:

    Your wife has two black eyes, what do you tell her?
    — Nothing, you’ve already told her twice —

    You’re watching TV and having a beer. Your wife comes out of the kitchen and yells at you. What did you do wrong?
    — You made the chain too long —

    Why do brides come dressed in white?
    — All kitchen appliances should be color coordinated —

    Society has changed, and when it comes to how individuals treat others it’s been for the better.

  6. comatus Says:

    I think I now understand a little better how that Hathaway Shirt guy ended up wearing an eyepatch.

  7. wildbill Says:

    So, a women’s place is in the home, smoking a cigerette, and fixing me a sammich and a beer while I shoot my eye out with a BB gun?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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