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Tactical 22s

American Rifleman has a look. They are popular these days.

3 Responses to “Tactical 22s”

  1. Anon R. D. Says:

    I like the SIG 522 but don’t like the “grown up” SIG 556 (the weight and balance suck for a .223).

    I like the “grown up” AR-15 but don’t know whether I would like the M&P15-22 (heard about magazine & extractor issues).

  2. mikee Says:

    Shooting a firearm of similar design but with cheaper ammo – seems I recall hearing this was a good training idea about 40 years ago. I suspect the idea goes back even longer ago (witness the DCM 22LR sales of WWI era 22LR trainers) but I’m not that old, yet.

  3. Diomed Says:

    mikee –

    The idea goes back much further than that. The Brits were using small caliber trainers and subcaliber devices in the nineteenth century. They had a thriving culture of gallery ranges and training clubs administered by the NRA on behalf of the military.

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