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Daily TSA shaming


Another TSA shirt.

A picture is worth a thousand words. At least he doesn’t look like he’s enjoying it.

What we do instead of something: We’ve been dealing with the same threats for decades. But we used to be a lot calmer about it, less self-defeating

Revolt against the TSA.

Airport to opt out of TSA.

Do you realize that the search one gets before entering a maximum security prison (one of the most secure on the east coast) is less invasive than the one you get before you fly?

9 Responses to “Daily TSA shaming”

  1. Comedian Says:

    TSA confiscates nail clippers (I thought that they were allowed now) from a soldier carrying an M4.

    NOTE: Also at Indianapolis, site of TSA agent getting punched in the story a few days ago.

  2. Gunmart Says:

    Here is one of a granny who said it felt like she was raped:

  3. Robert Says:

    And now the TSA says that you can no longer ship packages airmail over 1 pound to the USA from other countries, if you are not an established company. So now my mother-in-law can no longer go to the post office in Japan and send us a box of food, video tapes, books, etc. Can’t send christmas gifts to her new grandson. My wife is right pissed about it.

  4. anon Says:

    Well, OBVIOUSLY, to PROVE that these procedures are neither unreasonable nor intrusive of privacy, the President and all other passengers of Air Force One need to go through the same scanners before every flight, and have the images released to the public. Simple!

  5. blounttruth Says:

    Vote for traitors and con men and the results are clear. America is getting exactly what Americans asked for. I hear every night those Fox news talking heads stating that the pat downs are necessary to keep us safe and blah, blah, blah… In a Fox news poll 81% of Americans like the nude body radiation scans…
    What does anyone expect from a people and a government so ignorant and broken? But I can hear the cheers already for the 2012 election, the energy and excitement, and they will re-elect a status quo neo conservative that will continue the national beat down. In my opinion Americans get exactly what they ask for, my question is why do they get so pissed when they get it?

  6. Michael Says:

    I completely agree with the posts and love reading this site. I would like to link to it from my blog and ask you to check out this post in which I come up with a method for replacing the TSA and making air travel safer at the same time.
    Keep up the good work.

  7. comatus Says:

    Robert, if that’s a postal regulation, it’s a Japanese one, not a receiving-end one from the US. I checked this just now with a postal security specialist. Do you have any kind of link or reference? I’ll get it looked into.

    It is true that you can only mail things FROM here, over 12 ounces, via air (which is almost every thing), over the counter (not in a mailbox). USPS actually does some investigating and scanning of what goes onto airplanes–at the demand of the airlines–and they actually do resolutely refuse to discuss what those procedures are.

  8. Robert Says:

    Comatus. It’s supposed to do with TSA regulations, not ones coming from the US post office. Here’s a link in Japanese.,eCR-JE,bT,hT,uaHR0cDovL3d3dy5wb3N0LmphcGFucG9zdC5qcC9pbnQvaW5mb3JtYXRpb24vMjAxMC8xMTEyLmh0bWw=,qlang=ja|for=0|sp=-5|fs=100%|fb=0|fi=0|fc=FF0000|db=T|eid=CR-EJ,k2be60d20ea247df5b2a9af00009a0ae2,t20101115000111,

    Here’s more on the subject in English:

  9. comatus Says:

    Thank you Robert. Link dead, but was able to find the text based on your titles. The Universal Postal Union had a condition called “embargo” that was meant to deal with civil insurrections, war crises and the like; in the new era of privatized government posts and apparently conflicting governmental directives, those accords look like they’re shredded.

    Up until 1926, the old Post Office Department was in control of nonmilitary air fields (and, I’d like to point out, Sacco and Vanzetti used a Norton, not a deHavilland). Looks like everything is new and improved! It’s like the uncivil aeronautics board.

    I’m passing this along to some logistics and routing people, but I’ll predict that it’s eBay who’ll get this to subcommittee first. Going to leave a mark.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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