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Quote of the day


you could throw a smart cell-phone out the window of an airplane over Alaska, and they could probably find it, but a three hundred million dollar fighter jet full of Joint Integrated Technology Up-The-Ass can disappear.

It was a toss up between that and the title of his post.

6 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    One would think that the F22 was designed to be difficult to find.

  2. Heather Says:

    But could you find that smartphone after it slammed into a mountain at… however fast that jet can go, effectively smooshing it into smithereens?

  3. Smince Says:

    Given the state of our nation, perhaps the Cold War era proverbial shoe is now on the other foot. American defector, perhaps?

  4. RML Says:

    Plane found, pilot still missing.

  5. Kristopher Says:

    A phone would have to land in line of sight of a cell tower.

    RML: then he prolly did the correct thing and ejected … but then he needs to survive parachuting into the bush and mountains, and then dodge the bears.

  6. Matthew Carberry Says:

    couple that with this map of coverage

    You could lose Delaware in Alaska and have a hard time finding it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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