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From Russia, with love

The Most Powerful Serial Machine Gun

3 Responses to “From Russia, with love”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    14.5, when .50 cal just won’t cut it anymore.

  2. Sigivald Says:

    I wonder what “serial machine gun” means as a term of art in Russian?

    Are they including only man-portable weapons? Or only non-motorized feeds?

    Because there are plenty of “machine guns” in the 20-25mm range that are more powerful than that, even if we restrict to single barrel designs…

    (Or is it just that people decided that if it’s over 15mm or so it’s an “auto-cannon” even if the shells are just scaled up small arms ammunition rather than “proper” artillery shells?)

  3. MrSatyre Says:

    I keep one under my bed to use on the mice.

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