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Massachusetts most violent state in Northeast

3 Responses to “Unpossible”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Unpossible? Been to Boston lately?

    A few years ago I was in a hotel shuttle bus passing through Dorchester that was attacked, no, really, it was attacked, by a gang of kids with their barehands.

    The bus driver stopped to yell at the kids, opened the door and got hit with a rock in the forend. He drove us to the hotel with a towel held up to his forehead while I rode in the back with my mouth open in shock.

    Next trip I was up at 5AM at the Chinatown Double Tree and decided to walk to Boston Commons while the rest of the club (younger guys) all slept in and breakfast wasn’t until 7AM, I decided to walk to the Commons and maybe get a paper.

    At Tremont and Boylston I was ambushed by 3 guys (2 in front, 1 behind) while Boston police looked on not 40 yards away. I fought my way out (from what I remember), running like T.J. Hooker back through traffic at Tremont and Boylston toward Chinatown where I knew they would not follow me.

    This would not happen if more people in Massachusetts, including Boston, carried guns and could shoot them.

  2. Jay G. Says:

    Amen, SB. Something like 6% of the MA population have MA gun permits – and not all of those are permits to carry…

  3. John Smith. Says:

    I bet 80 percent possess regardless of permits…

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