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Someone shut the barn door

The horse is out: TSA Bans Toner Cartridges

5 Responses to “Someone shut the barn door”

  1. StanInTexas Says:

    Once again, we have a story of the TSA sitting around with their thumds up their butt, doing anything and everything to inconvenience the most number of people while doing NOTING to keep us safe.

    Then the terrorists try something like this and they BAN CARTRIDGES. you want to talk about the terrorists winning, well they have beaten the TSA. Do you want to see planes full of screaming babies and stressed flight crews? All they need to do is attempt to hijack a plane using a pacifier or baby formula and pretty soon, the TSA will ban all baby items.

    These people are a joke and should all be fired NOW!

  2. Gregory Markle Says:

    Why don’t they just ban anything with over two dimensions so nothing that goes on a plane will have an inside to pack with explosives? Seems a lot less tedious than writing them all up one at a time.

  3. Huck Says:

    Why dos’nt TSA just ban PASSENGERS? Hell, they’ve banned just about everything else!

  4. Beaumont Says:

    Maybe some bright boy at TSA found the definition of “cartridge” on the Interwebs, & decided to make certain that no terrorist could have ready access to ammo for his toner gun.

  5. Drang Says:

    “well, almost everybody is pissed at us for the groping and the nudie shots, how can we get the rest mad?”
    “I know! Ban $100+ toner cartridges!”

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