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Not a good idea

At an OC demonstration, the police make all attendees draw and unload their weapons. This, basically, takes the odds of there being a negligent discharge from roughly 0% to something greater than 0%. Stupid. Leave your guns in the holsters.

8 Responses to “Not a good idea”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    Makes me glad I live in Virginia where shit like that doesn’t fly.

  2. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    “Makes me glad I live in Virginia where shit like that doesn’t fly.”

    Ummm, apparently y’all are not keeping up with current events in Ol’ Virginny, I say, I say:

  3. Rivrdog Says:

    The OC people are a wordy bunch. I read down thru about half the comments only to NOT find out whether OC-loaded carry is actually permitted there.

    If it is permitted, charges should be filed against the cops who made everyone unload. If it isn’t, the OC-loaded folks should have gone to jail.

    Next case, please, bailiff.

  4. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    In Indiana, open or concealed carry of a pistol is legal with a license to carry, LTCH (4 year or lifetime).

    Carrying a long gun does not require a license.

  5. Tam Says:


    Like in most of Free America, there’s no requirement to conceal your heater here in Hoosierland.


    And I’m glad I don’t live someplace like Virginia, with repressive CCW laws. 😉

  6. CarlS Says:

    The thought occurred that if it is true that officer safety is helped by having law-abiding citizens unload their firearms, then how much safer would those citizens be if they required the (any) officer to unload his or her firearms? After all, the entire purpose of being / having law enforcement officers is to assure the citizens’ safety. And, it is government statistics which prove that LEO’s with guns are more dangerous to themselves and to the ordinary citizen than criminals are. Q.E.D.

  7. CarlS Says:

    Added: Well, perhaps not the “entire” purpose. I recognize that the “alleged” purpose of law enforcement is to ensure citizen safety, but I also understand that the “primary” purpose has morphed into “control” of indivduals and the masses.

  8. Huck Says:

    “Officer safety”. The overused excuse for violating people’s rights, breaking the law, and shooting without sizing up the situation.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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