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After Glow

Some random stuff about the election.

A common theme: Don’t fuck this up.

Racist teabaggers!

Not a bug, a feature:

The GOP won majority control of the House but not the Senate, and some Republicans were quick to blame the tea party for the failure to clinch both chambers in an election trending strongly against the Democratic majorities in Congress.

Few democrats who voted for the health care bill survived. We tried to warn them. But they called us racists instead.

Scaring the brits is just a bonus.

5 Responses to “After Glow”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Just read the Limey editorial, all I could think was “Man I’m glad we kicked those bastards off our land!” there’s a few of them buried up the street from me ; ]

  2. Miguel Says:

    The “Superior European Intellect” cannot stand that women can be strong and in positions of leadership. I guess all that talk about Woman’s rights and the equality of the sexes is a bunch of Bravo Sierra after all.

  3. Dan Says:

    Hard to believe these people ran the planet for a few centuries back in the day.

  4. JKB Says:

    Don’t be to hard on the Brits. It was a chick, a grocer’s daughter, what saved them the last time. Now 25 years on, they’ve gotten themselves in a mess again.

  5. don Says:

    ‘some Republicans’ I want names. They can be the next to go.

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