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Not so super

Superman gets hipster makeover? Guess it could have been emo superman.

6 Responses to “Not so super”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Superman in jeans is what Superboy is for.

  2. Rob K Says:

    Except for the early Superman cartoons, everything Superman I’ve ever seen has been emo. Certainly since Christopher Reeve took the role.

  3. Bryan S. Says:

    Too much estrogen in the water these days, next they will have him wearing eye liner and crying in a corner for a week every month.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    Super Emoman?

  5. Robert Says:

    Did somebody say emo superman?

  6. John Smith. Says:

    Whats next? Is he going to get bullied at school for looking like a degenerate then commit suicide….

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