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Water is wet, the sky is blue

NAACP thinks people who aren’t democrats are racist.

Tea party may have ties to racists. Which means that, you know, some racists may actually show up at rally or something.

You know, another prominent political party has ties to known racists.

7 Responses to “Water is wet, the sky is blue”

  1. Jake Says:

    It surprises me how easily people forget or ignore history. Like the fact that it was the Democrats who fought the Civil Rights Act tooth and nail, to the point of sustaining the longest filibuster in US history.

    Yet people continue to claim and believe that the Democrats have always been friends of blacks and the Republicans have always been the racists. It’s depressing sometimes.

  2. chris Says:

    And what, in the last 30 years, has the NAACP done to advance the interests of the “colored people” referred to in its title?

    It exists to support the Democratic Party, to feather the nests of its own leaders and executives, and to lobby for quotas, quota-equivalents, welfare, food stamps, AFDC, and reparations for an institution which terminated in 1865.

    Does anyone really take it seriously today?

  3. Ellen Says:

    I’ve been a racist all my life – Adam Clayton Powell, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and hundreds of other professional blacks have said so.

    I’ve gone from believing the charge, to resenting the charge, to reveling in it. True, I’m cautious about bold statements in public – but at this point, I know it means a hypocrite has no other argument that’ll stick.

  4. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    Jake…come on. The parties essentially reversed polarities, and the Strom Thurmond Dixiecrats jumped to the GOP. So what?

    He grabbed my wife’s butt once. My brush with greatness perhaps.

    The ideology and not the R or the D next to the name is the issue in re: that particular issue.

    Anyway…I don’t think anybody really thinks being a TP member makes you a racist. But it seems pretty clear that fringe element is going to ride the TP’s coat tails.

  5. Guav Says:

    What Sebastian said: Nobody claims that the Democrats didn’t used to be the party of segregation, but that’s just what Jake called it—history. That changed 50 years ago and the racists switched parties. Most Republicans aren’t racists, but I bet most racists are Republicans.

    And sure, just because a handful of racists might show up at every Tea Party rally doesn’t make the Tea Party as a whole inherently racist—but why do racists feel so comfortable at Tea Party rallies?

  6. SayUncle Says:

    why do racists feel so comfortable at Tea Party rallies?

    Kinda like the nazi paraphernalia guys at gun shows that I grimace at when I see them.

  7. Guav Says:

    I Hamburglar at them.

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