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Wait, what?

I thought VZHAUNTEYUANDAIJZYRE was a girl’s name?

8 Responses to “Wait, what?”

  1. Canthros Says:

    How do you even pronounce that? Also, why would you saddle a child with a name they’ll never be able to spell?

  2. hsoi Says:

    Filling out those scan-tron forms is going to be a bitch.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Know it’s hard to spell, but it’s pronounced Bob ; )

  4. Gunmart Says:

    Its only a girls name if there is an “A” on the end 😀

  5. Jennifer Says:

    Did they hand the infant a keyboard to name herself?

  6. SoupOrMan Says:

    When he turns 18 he’ll get his first name and last names switched, then he’ll try out for an NHL team as a prospect from Kazakhstan.

  7. joated Says:

    Looks like Gunmart is correct:

    He has one brother, Wzaviantaysiah Williams, 9, and three sisters, ZaQueysha Pierce, 17, Xavianastaja Morris, 13, and Yzauntianaqueazja Morris ,10.

    What were they thinking? Were they thinking?

    As a former teacher I can tell you that if they didn’t have nicknames before they got to school they became Z, X, Y, V, and W really quickly!

  8. Jerry Says:

    If you spell that backwards, is it still Bob?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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