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Good question

On permitless carry:

This is simply a bad idea and would put TN HCP holders at a disadvantage in other states. My TN HCP allows me to carry is most other states, without it I could not legally carry outside of TN.

IIRC, Vermont has a permit if you want it for just such a reason. Or you could get an out of state permit.

14 Responses to “Good question”

  1. Blake Says:

    If TFA pushed this, it would be Vermont style. We’d still have a permit for those that want to be able to carry in other states that have reciprocity with TN. It wouldn’t make sense to do otherwise.

  2. Blake Says:

    You just wouldn’t have to pony up a lot of money and seek “permission” to be able to exert what I consider a right.

  3. wizardpc Says:

    I see something like AZ style, where you if you have a permit you can carry in restaurants.

  4. David, Chandler, AZ Says:

    Yea, AZ didn’t do away with CCW permits. They’re just not required to carry concealed unless you want to carry in a restaurant that carries alcohol or you want to carry concealed in a reciprocating state.

  5. Gunmart Says:

    +1 to what Blake said….. Its worth it just to get away from the “poll tax” that is placed on a 2nd Amendment right

  6. Caleb Says:

    I think it’s Alaska that has the permit so you can carry in other states.

  7. The Duck Says:

    Alaska & Arizona, still have a permitt process for those that wish to carry, Unless something changed recently Vermont does not

  8. Tam Says:

    Yup. What The Duck said.

  9. Michael Says:

    There’s nothing prevent people from getting Utah or Florida non-resident permits.

  10. Linoge Says:

    Why not just keep the permit system for those who want them? Hell, if you call the HCP office, they constantly complain about being flooded…

  11. Stan Says:

    Removing government regulation/interference is NEVER a bad thing.

  12. Hartley Says:

    In Arizona (and most other places) the CCW also allows you to circumvent the “insta-check” BS. Most of the folks I know here with a CCW intend to keep it up, mostly for that and the ability to carry out of state.

  13. Chris from AK Says:

    Alaska Carry for the win!

  14. kwikrnu Says:

    If people want a permit for reciprocity get a FL or Utah permit. They are cheaper and last longer.

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