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Big Brother on the Tubes

DHS monitoring social networks. No doubt, lookin’ for terrorists who like posting pictures of what they had for breakfast.

North Carolina wants Amazon’s customer data.

3 Responses to “Big Brother on the Tubes”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    That definitely sounds like NC. They have been trying to tax all the sales made in Sc by nc residents for years without success. Greedy bastards…. The politicians in raleigh are so corrupt it is unbelievable….

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    “ always feels like Somebody’s Watching Me..” Of course, if you are dumb enough to put crap on Facebook, Twitter,etc. about your “Jihadi Desires”, you deserve to be monitored. Yet I keep hearing about all this “Terror Cells” broken up by Sting Operations, and most of them are a bunch of idiot wannabes. Yet it takes a fire on a plane or Times Square or Dead Soldiers in Texas to get the real Bad Guys, and it’s only AFTER the fact. I actually feel less safe in America today than I did before 9/11, because all the Homeland Security measures (TSA) implemented since then are as effective as using Swiss Cheese to stop a Dam Break.

  3. Rivrdog Says:

    The point is that the has infiltrated all of the social networks. They can watch anyone they want, and without a warrant, because that’s the way the stupid networks are set up: to have no barriers to “friending” etc.

    When I try to make people aware of this fact, most look at me like I just stepped off the slow intergalactic from the Zargon System.

    The only social network I have heard of that is difficult to get into is the one run by the pedophile ex-pats in Thailand, and it might even be infiltrated.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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