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All by its own self

High-Powered Rifle Fires Shots Into South Side of Pentagon

16 Responses to “All by its own self”

  1. anon Says:

    Late Night PSA: “Do you know where your rifle is?”

  2. bluesun Says:

    This whole “media giving life to inanimate objects” thing is really starting to get on my nerves.

  3. Monty Says:

    Let me be the first to welcome our new Autonomous High-Powered Rifle overlords

  4. Sigivald Says:

    Musta changed the headline, ’cause now it says “Authorities Investigate Gunshots Fired Into South Side of Pentagon“.

    I do wonder what “high powered rifle” actually means, since the text is still in the article.

    Anything bigger than .22LR?

  5. Hartley Says:

    Well, since the bullets didn’t even penetrate the windows, I don’t think it was all that “high-powered”.

  6. Sigivald Says:

    On the other hand, the lack of penetration tells me that (unsurprisingly) the exterior Pentagon windows are armored glass – since no normal glass ever stops a bullet such that you can recover it from the window.

    Good armored glass can stop a normal battle rifle round (like .308 or 7.62×54), at least once – possibly more than once if it’s the right composition or the hits aren’t too close to one another.

  7. Kevin Baker Says:

    Or if the glass is rated to stop a .50BMG round.

  8. JKB Says:

    I’m not sure which is more surprising, that a rifle fired at the Pentagon or that the rifle was able to drive down the freeway.

    In any case, it was fortunate that the windows were under renovation and unoccupied. And you thought your office was small and afforded no privacy, try having a window office at the Pentagon.

    The windows of the offices hit were under renovation and were not occupied. No one was injured in the shooting, authorities said.

  9. Beaumont Says:

    @JKB: apparently the rifle was in cahoots with one of those awful environment-destroying SUVs that drives around mowing people down.

  10. Tam Says:

    Well, the building’s full of assault rifles, and you know how those things get when you don’t keep an eye on them. 😉

  11. Jerry Says:

    Hmmmm, just thinkin’, rusty, mebbe.

  12. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Another D.C sniper? Some dumbass Al-Queda wannabe trying to prove himself? Some LGBT extremist who want’s DADT removed NOW? Nah, probably some fools who went and saw Jackass 3-D , then got stoned and came up with a “Dude, I’ve got a great idea! I’ll get my Dad’s hunting Rifle…”

  13. Nomen Nescio Says:

    On the other hand, the lack of penetration tells me that (unsurprisingly) the exterior Pentagon windows are armored glass – since no normal glass ever stops a bullet such that you can recover it from the window.

    considering the size of the pentagon, i’d bet that makes for some of the most expensive glasswork in the nation.

  14. larry weeks Says:

    Guns and SUVs acting on their own, OMG, Skynet has become self-aware!

  15. comatus Says:

    My local newsource, Der TagenBlat, went one better and called it a “high-velocity” rifle. Must have been doing 75 when it set itself off.

    I went and checked an old box of T’underbolt 40-grain, and sure enough, they’re marked “high-velocity.” Also, dangerous up to a mile. So, there.

  16. JKB Says:

    Let’s hope it’s not another DC sniper. I don’t live there anymore but “Pumping Gas” is not may favorite dance step. Although it is one where a lack of rhythm is an advantage.

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