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Video from Knob Creek. Watch moron in bottom right of screen about half way through:

12 Responses to “Stupid”

  1. mikee Says:

    Let’s make this a learning experience, for me at least.

    What action if any should one take if one sees this brandishing in person at such an event? What comes to mind as possibilies are:
    1. A hasty but dignified retreat away from Bubba towards cover.
    2. A verbal request/command at Bubba to stop brandishing the pistol.
    3. An appeal to the local authorities (civilian or LEO).
    4. Immediate ultraviolent suppression of the idiocy.
    5. Just find someone like Tam and let her deal with the miscreant, while continuing to run video for YouTube?

  2. HL Says:

    It doesn’t LOOK like he shoots since I can see no muzzle flash. But it does sound like there is a distinct report as he feels the “recoil”. Surely someone would have noticed if he had.

    Yes, I know how loud it is there during the live shoot.

    He is standing right between the Pro Shop and the table area though. There would be a crowd there.

    I wanted to go to the Fall shoot this year with the elections a month away, but as usual, I remember its time for KCR a weekend late everytime! =(

  3. HL Says:

    It looks like a child too. Maybe it is an toy gun?

  4. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Uncle, COULD have been a non-gun. Tam and I saw many non-guns for sale at the show. In fact, I purchased a solid aluminum Smith 686 for $30. I can send you a photo if you want. Lots of Airsofts for sale too.

    HL, I think that’s on the backside of the gun store where the dealer tents were set up including the place selling “spring asset” knives (No, Tam would not let me go and mock them but there are so many toothless, dumbass dealers down there it would be feckless to do so).

    mikee, if you see someone doing a dumbass move like that, you need to call them out on it.

    If they are pointing the weapon at you, hands on is justifiable. Knocking Cledus’ rotten teeth down this inbred neck is very effective in preventing future mishaps.

  5. Gunmart Says:

    Face + palm…… I hope the Brady Bunch doesnt see that vid

  6. Hartley Says:

    I watched it a couple times… looks like a kid screwing around to me, and he clearly knows that the camera is there, because right at the end, he reappears in the frame, peering back at it. No sign of any slide movement in that “shot”, either.

  7. Rustmiester Says:

    His hand movement from the “recoil” doesn’t seem natural, either.

  8. D2k Says:

    Pretty sure that was a kid with a fake gun, stupid, but probably correctable level stupid.

  9. Freiheit Says:

    What he did is very stupid for many reasons:
    1. Basic four-rules violation
    2. There is a strong security presence at KCR and the staff there is like John Wayne Toilet Paper. They don’t take crap off of anyone.
    3. The regulars at both KCR and the mg shoot will not put up with that crap. Its “our” range and many of the problem shooters are corrected by regulars and then that correction is reinforced by the ROs.
    4. He’s about 15 yards from where the sheriff hangs out with the EMT crew.

  10. Ambulance_Driver Says:

    Full auto weapons as far as the eye can see, Sarah Brady’s kittens dying like a human wave attack of the Persian army at Thermopylae…

    … and the tool that makes us look like idiots is some jerkoff with a pistol which may not even be real.


  11. Chas Says:

    Looked like a kid just playing.

  12. hlynkacg Says:

    The funny thing is that I don’t think a non-gunny would even notice,

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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