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Gun Porn


Pictures like this always bring a smile to my face.

4 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. Bryan S. Says:

    Why do we always see pictures of women an girls leaning back and with their heads of of stocks?

    Nice story, it makes me wonder about things like this.

  2. breda Says:

    Bryan, dude, she’s 10 and it was her first time trying an M1. Let’s try and see the positive here – (a girl was shooting a rifle! Whoo!) – before critiquing her bad form, m’kay?

  3. SPQR Says:

    Women, especially young ones, lean back like that in the picture because an instinctive reaction to their low upper body strength. They must lean back to get the center of gravity closer to their own. It requires some training with stance and a careful adherence to the principle of not getting a youngster shooting a gun too heavy for them too quickly.

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Ahem! You might notice my right hand on her shoulders in the shot, while my left was just under the fore end ready to catch it if she dropped it. Trust me, we made sure she was not going to drop my Carbine or hurt herself. She got off about 10 rounds, and had a HUGE smile when she went back to her Daddy! Sure, she needs to grow up a bit and add some mass, but She sure was happy to fire a “Grown Up Gun”. Besides, there’s a picture of 2 VERY watchful Ladies over at NJT’s Blog that shows more details, so the little Lady had PLENTY of Guardian Angels keeping a Eye out for her that day.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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