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An Interview with Carlo Fiocchi

Here. You may be familiar with his ammo.

6 Responses to “An Interview with Carlo Fiocchi”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    I apologize as I speak the third most Italian, but what is the proper pronunciation of Fiocchi?

    *Brad Pitt accent from Taterville* Grat-zee.

  2. Countertop Says:


    I read that quick and thought it said an interview with Carla Fiorini.

    But Carlo Fiocchi is even cooler. I suspect both despise Barbara Boxer

  3. BobG Says:

    Fiocchi is pronounced “Fyo kee”.

  4. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Thanks, Bob!

    Er, *Brad Pitt voice* grat-zee!

  5. Diomed Says:

    He needs to get his American plant making ammo like his Italian one. The foreign ammo is way better than what they make here: cleaner and hotter. What’s not to like, except the hit-or-miss availability?

  6. Pete Says:

    I’ve got 4 cases of his.45 ACP FMJ in my safe right now. Great stuff.

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