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Gun Bans

At a Tea Party event? I can understand not wanting someone to strap on their AR-15 and walk around. But prohibiting lawful concealed carry doesn’t sound very, err, Tea Partyish.

19 Responses to “Gun Bans”

  1. Gunmart Says:

    Grass roots demonstrating that they are becoming more corporate

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Or open carry. I mean isn’t the Open Carry = Scary meme so yesterday?

  3. Tam Says:

    In Tuscon, no less!

    Let me guess: The local Tea Party is a bunch of tax refugee Californians that are busily fouling a new nest without even realizing it…

  4. JP Says:

    From what I heard, the Tucson Police Department had suggested to the Tucson Tea Party that they should not allow firearms into the event – as both Sheriff Joe and Sheriff Babue have had recent death threats or threats of violence against them.

    They said TPD did not require that a ban be in place, but suggested it as an alternative to the TTP having to pay for more officers/security.

    I’d also just like to reiterate that according to local law, as pointed out in the video; they are required to provide a safe place to check a firearm if its not going to be allowed inside.

  5. JP Says:

    And to clarify: I am not trying to make excuses for the TTP, just saying what I heard. I didn’t even go. (got caught up tinkering with my rifle)

  6. Purist357 Says:

    JP, you are correct to the best of my knowledge about the chain of events. TPD asked for the gun ban (in violation of ARS 13-3108)and the Tucson Tea Party honored their request.

    However, they claimed that they are a LLC and as a private corporation and not a 501(c)(3), it was a “private event” allowing them to ban and to refuse to check and store. It doesn’t matter and that is not my understanding of ARS 13-3102(A)(10) and ARS 13-3102.01.

    They were informed of the requirement to check and store before and during the event. They chose to ignore
    the law.

    How many times have we heard Tea Partiers call for adherence to the Constitution and the “Rule of Law?”

  7. Rustmeister Says:

    I’d think death threats are a good reason NOT to ban carry.

  8. JP Says:

    Rustmeister – Tucson is pretty left-tard in a lot of aspects – this is one of them.

  9. Kristopher Says:

    Tam: Looks like a local Tea Party org needs to do a RINO purge.

    ( note: Tucson is hippie central for NM … think Austin TX. It is where the Cal’tards hang out. )

  10. Kristopher Says:

    Sorry … Tucson is in AZ …. serious brain fart there.

  11. Ron W Says:

    JP wrote,
    “From what I heard, the Tucson Police Department had suggested to the Tucson Tea Party that they should not allow firearms into the event – as both Sheriff Joe and Sheriff Babue have had recent death threats or threats of violence against them.”

    Oh yeah, as though the gun ban would deter someone whose intent was assassination.

  12. Sigivald Says:

    What’s the conflict between a grassroots “small government” movement and the organizer of the event (not the State!) deciding to prohibit concealed carry?

    Not every Tea Partier is a gunny, after all. I suspect a fair number are ambivalent about firearms rights per se.

    Ron: It wouldn’t.

    But as a devil’s advoctate… note that it would also make it such that if a gun is detected in the crowd, you can know the carrier isn’t a law-abiding individual – because they’d be trespassing at best, by ignoring the organizer’s decision to ban carry.

    Does that justify it? Probably not. But it’s at least not the same as the probable strawman that someone thought “it’d stop a killer”.

  13. John Smith. Says:

    I understand not strapping on the ar15. I prefer ak-74s too.

  14. Newman Says:

    I’ve attended several tea party rallies here in the KC area. I always carry; but I always carry everywhere I go. When someone thinks it better if I didn’t carry somewhere I don’t go there. Those who value their second amendment right vote with their patronage or lack there of. Even if Joe brought Bologna sandwiches I wouldn’t go.

  15. Henry Says:

    Tucson, “Hippie Central”? Certainly many associated with the U of A are libs but I wouldn’t brand the entire city that way. Fact is the Tea Party people should have told the cops thanks but no thanks. Why didn’t they? I sent them email asking that question. They also now know why I was not in attendance.

  16. Kristopher Says:

    Compared to the rest of the state … at least until Phoenix gets completely flooded with caltards.

  17. DaveP. Says:

    The Tea Parties are getting by pretty good by focusing on fiscal and employment issues. If they want to ban OC at their event in order to avoid making a “what happened to the economy?” fight into a “…and GUNS too!” fight, that’s their perogative. Dosen’t mean one thing or another about the local tea party’s attitude in re the 2nd; just means they have good message focus.

  18. Rivrdog Says:

    Well, if Tucson is conservative, the citizens there need to fire their chief of Police, who seems to be firmly in the gun-ban camp, as well as the “let them all in” camp regarding immigration.

    It’s not who you know, it’s who you DON’T blow.

  19. Veeshir Says:

    Sigivald has it.

    The tea partiers are worried about overarching, expensive gov’t, they’re not a gun rights group.

    While there’s a lot of overlap (I figure), the Venn diagram isn’t a circle.

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