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And they wonder why we don’t take them seriously

Jerry Brown gets the NOW endorsement right after calling opponent a whore.

7 Responses to “And they wonder why we don’t take them seriously”

  1. breda Says:

    Meg Whitman can’t be a real woman, she’s not a liberal. So calling her a whore is okay.

  2. John Smith. Says:

    So does that mean jerry brown is now supported by a bunch of whores??? Wouldn’t that make him a PIMP….

  3. chris Says:

    NOW demonstrated its true Democrat colors when it was very tepid in responding to Bill Clinton’s getting in the office sex service from a subordinate employee.

    Isn’t trying to prevent that type of thing what NOW is supposed to be all about?

    No, it’s all about supporting Democrats.

  4. Jay Says:

    A staffer working for Jerry Brown said that, not Jerry Brown.

  5. DirtCrashr Says:

    Who’s to say Meg’s not a Rhino? As a CEO she wants POWER – so she’s like Boxer, Pelosi and Reid and the rest of the Left. She endorsed Barbara Boxer in 2003 and 2004, and said she was a huge fan of Van Jones (Commmunist-DC), AND she’s no friend of gun-owners.

    The R in the RNC doesn’t stand for “rifle.” In her autobiography she describes her decision to ban guns as one of her “least difficult decisions,” even though eBay users were largely opposed to the ban, and later rationalized her decision by saying gun owners would “cut corners” and let firearms fall into the hands of criminals.
    As AG and Boss-of-Cops, Brown thought he had a lock on the Police-Union. Something I’ve heard from one Cop is “I’m voting for my boss.” For Whitman to try to sneak-away that endorsement says two things: 1.) that she’s desperate for some kind of Union support and also shows her recognition/need to placate the Power$ That Be in $acramento, and 2.) reveals how fast she might move Left after gaining office.
    Arnold got pwned by the Unions and went all tree-huggy Green to preserve some kind of “legacy.”

  6. Dan Says:

    Aside from the R next to her name, she agrees with all the main points of NOW. But I guess that is enough fo her to lose the endorsement.

  7. Greg Says:

    Sadly for us in California we are view this election as a choice between bad (Whitman) and horrible (Brown).

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