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This ruling will self-destruct

The ridiculous notion that allowing concealed carry in a restaurant creates an unsafe workplace was shot down by the DOL. I found this bit odd:

“This should not be con sid ered a prece dent,” Hentschel said. “Each guns-in-bars com plaint will be ana lyzed separately.”

I guess they want to keep hearing complaints?

12 Responses to “This ruling will self-destruct”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    If they’d like, we could send them a report on all the problems we have here in Florida where not only can you carry into an establishment that serves alcohol, but you may imbibe as well.

    Here, I’ll make it easy and compile the list for them –


    There. Done.

  2. wizardpc Says:

    Well lucky for us there’s already a court precedent that says OSHA (and by extension, TOSHA) does not and was never meant to apply to criminal behavior.

    And here in TN, being drunk and packing is criminal behavior.

  3. Rustmiester Says:

    They want to keep hearing complaints till someone stumbles on to the right argument, I bet.

  4. Ron W Says:

    Robb Allen,

    I have a Tennessee Hangun Permit Reference Guide for 2010 which I purchased for I think $10 at a gun show in Nashville. I recently visited Florida (Panama City) and consulted this publicaiton for Florida Gun Permit Laws before I went. It has fro Florida: “Restricted Locations”: “Any premises serving alcoholic beverages and, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose,”

    So is that NOT CORRECT?

  5. Miguel Says:

    The law reads: “any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose;”

    To summarize, you can’t carry in a bar but you can carry in a restaurant that serves alcohol as long as you don’t sit at the bar.

  6. Miguel Says:

    PS: There is only one book I trust about firearms laws in Florida

    Florida Firearms — Law, Use & Ownership by Jon Gutmacher.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Gas fires, hot grease and Big knives don’t create a hazardous workplace environment, yet a pistol concealed on a Customer does? Hmm, wonder how many undercover police have been served in such establishments w/o anyone being the wiser?

  8. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Ooops, went too fast. As my Retired NYPD neighbor told me awhile back “If it don’t show, whose to know?”

  9. Ron W Says:


    Thank you for providing the precise wording of the law in your #5 message. That clears it up for me when I shall journey from here in Tennessee to enjoy my next Florida vacation and, while there, exercise my RIGHT to CARRY the means of armed self defense.

  10. rickn8or Says:

    “the depart­ment could ask the estab­lish­ment to post a sign pro­hibit­ing guns, or demand that patrons with guns hol­ster their weapons with the safety on.”

    Guess I can’t go there with my Chief’s Special then. Are these people under the impression that “concealed” means “carry it in your hand”??

  11. SDN Says:

    They want people to be hassled and forced to spend time and/or money defending themselves. Kind of like how the IRS works.

  12. Robb Allen Says:

    Ron W, Miguel has it right. You can sit at a table across from the bar and even have a beer while carrying a firearm. Heck, you could enter the restaurant for the express purpose of having a drink, you just can’t sit at the bar.

    Now, if it’s a BAR and not primarily a restaurant, then you can’t carry in it. If they allow smoking, then it’s a bar, that’s a pretty good indicator.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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