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It was never about safety

Study says no safety benefit to red light cameras. Of course not. They were only ever about revenue.

5 Responses to “It was never about safety”

  1. wfgodbold Says:

    Apparently it’s not even about revenue:

    L.A. is actually losing money on their red light camera system.

  2. Rustmiester Says:

    Millington’s getting them. Talking with a contractor, I found out that over 50% of the revenue generated goes to the business operating the camera system, the rest to the city.

    So, stop speeding, starve the beast.

  3. emdfl Says:

    Local small burg here just installed three of them(at the three red-lights they have). Story in the paper said that the tickets would cost $157.00 with $67.00 going to the city. Cost per location to the city is a flat $3700/month. So the city needs at LEAST two tickets/day/camera just to pay the nut on these things.

    These are on commercially zoned streets so I’spect that some business on the streets will shortly have a red-light camera ahead warning in front of their place.

  4. StanInTexas Says:

    Here in the DFW Area, two interesting things happened when the red-light camera got installed:
    1) In Fort Worth, the number of rear-end collisions went WAY UP.
    2) In Dallas, about a dozen cameras were so successful at stopping red-light runners that the cameras got removed because they were not generating enough income to keep them running.

    Yeah, it is ALL about safety. Sure it is!

  5. Oakenheart Says:

    Surely American ingenuity can do better than these brits:

    Here’s a plan for someone gutsier than me- get the mayor, DA, hell, any city employee’s tag number, make and model vehicle, a good photoshop man and some rentals and the mayors could have a hell of a collection of tickets. Scan a plate, replace numbers, print – blam. Indistinguishable from the original if you use a plate cover lol

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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