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Quote of the day


I don’t debate commies, klansmen, nazis or anti-gunners, ‘cos there is no debate: they’re wrong and I don’t give a fig how many trains — or sheep — they make run on time.

The extent to which I engage anti-gunners these days is only if there is an article where the comments may sway an outside observer. Then, I’m commenting for their benefit and not that of the author.

3 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    Yup, that’s the idea. That’s why I started blogging. When you can illuminate the lies, the illogic, the – as Joe Huffman puts it – bigotry of The Other Side for other people to see, it helps to sway the undecided.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Also I will point out that the other side builds their house on lies, “debate” with them, there’s only so long before they tell the truth, such as.

    -Not caring if people defend their lives with guns, or people are hurt with non-guns
    -Not caring about suicide using non-guns
    -Wanting to ban all guns
    -Wanting to Register and Confiscate guns
    -Not caring about overall crime rates
    -They themselves being gun owners (legally or illegally) and considering themselves “Like you, only better”

    So long as you don’t put too much effort into that the end results are quite useful.

  3. Justthisguy Says:

    Been meaning to go over to Bobbie’s place and condole for the loss of second kitty. Just can’t get up the nerve, as I get all weepy just thinking about it. Yes, I lurves teh kittehs.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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