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Guns in restaurants stuff

I mentioned that stuff last night on the radio. But WizardPC has some interesting info on the folks who are hysterical about guns in restaurants. First up, he notes the media push. And then the connections between this bout of hysteria and the previous one.

3 Responses to “Guns in restaurants stuff”

  1. Spook45 Says:

    From a gun toting redneck prospective, this is an easy issue to remedy. give them the KMART treatment. After KMART went on TV and spoke ill of us gun folk, we proceded to boycott them at a huge level! 6Mos later they were filing bankruptcy and closing stores. since gun toters are typicly working folks who spend money, if a restauraunt posts its door, just GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! I would much rather give my money to people who not only appriciate my business but also my FREEDOM and my RIGHTS! ANY business of ANY kind that I have a choice about will get NOT ONE THIN DIME from me if they post thier doors! This will do two things, first it will send a CLEAR MESSAGE that they will not be getting our business and second it will eventually lead to THOSE PEOPLE going under and removing them from the system all together. BOYCOTT MY RIGHTS I BOYCOTT YOUR BUSINESS!

  2. MJM Says:

    Here is the text of the little wallet card I made up to drop off at these places:
    (Not copyrighted, feel free)

    “Please give this to your manager. I liked your restaurant, and regret now finding your doors closed to me. You should re-think your misplaced hostility to peaceful, law-abiding citizens who take the precaution of carrying a weapon. Good-bye.”

    Hey, I know it will make no difference, but it makes me feel better.

  3. MJM Says:

    I have to post another reply. In checking “Guns & Alcohol Don’t Mix” the web site, I note that the very few forum posts are:
    1 year 10 weeks ago
    1 year 8 weeks ago
    1 year 10 weeks ago
    1 year 10 weeks ago

    LOL, it appears enthusiasm for this loser forum petered out pretty fast.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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