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Tolerant San Francisco

S.F. groups mobilize to deny permit to gun shop

Good news, though, it opened back up.

4 Responses to “Tolerant San Francisco”

  1. JKB Says:

    “It won’t look like such a foreboding place anymore,” Ross said. “It will open it up to the street.”

    It’s time SF took guns out of the brown paper wrapper like they did the porn.

    It’s interesting that SF, eco central, residents dismissed all the global warming impacts of forcing officers and citizens to drive miles out of town to buy a gun. It’s not like they could mail order or use public transportation. “Global warming, we must do something about it now, unless I have to live near gun shop then, not so much.”

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    The problem here actually is they guy wants to run a wholesale gun-shop, but the City won’t let him unless he opens a storefront, mainly so they can permit, tax, license, and fee-bleed the crap out of him. SF is an unbelievably business-unfriendly city and I can’t believe anyone would actually want to live or do business there.

    High Bridge Arms will be required to lock all guns inside an industrial safe at the end of each shift, and no one under age 18 will be allowed inside the store without a guardian or parent.

    Notice this telephone astroturf-blitz: (They) “had received hundreds of e-mails and phone calls in the days leading to the hearing. The overwhelming majority opposed the gun store, he said. Yet at the hearing, only four people spoke against High Bridge Arms, while 10 spoke in support.”

  3. Molon Labe Says:

    “Coggan said he had received hundreds of e-mails and phone calls in the days leading to the hearing. The overwhelming majority opposed the gun store, he said.

    Yet at the hearing, only four people spoke against High Bridge Arms, while 10 spoke in support.”

    DirtCrashr hit the nail on the head. This is a microcosm of the gun rights issue in general. I give those in opposition to the store a lot of credit though. Apparently they realized that they would be wasting their time by showing up and only being able to offer dick jokes when it came time for them to speak.

  4. JKB Says:

    Now here’s an idea. The “community” wants a place where people will meet and congregate. Apparently, cops stopping by to talk guns wasn’t enough. The city wanted a storefront. How about a gun counter in the back and a Dunkin Donuts in front, cops are happy, community is happy. The only problem is powered sugar fingerprints on the 1911s.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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