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The Jehovah’s Witnesses have a newsletter about how atheists are acting like, uhm, Jehovah’s Witnesses and being all preachy and on a crusade. Don’t worry, guys, any atheists show up on my door trying to convert me, I’ll turn the dogs loose and the sprinklers on, just like I do for you.

6 Responses to “Conversion”

  1. Mik Says:

    i rather have my neighborhood full of jw’s than atheists, especially if they are dog-bitten and wet.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    But don’t burn that newsletter because…oh wait….

  3. Just another JW Says:

    Hmmm. I regularly read your site, love to shoot and oh yeah as a Christian that loves his faith I do feel committed to tell others about it. I get it as it is a fun to make jokes about us but I’m just saying there are worst things in this world. Before the US ever entered WWII our “newsletters” broadcasted against Hilter and exposed his death camps, while thousands were sent to the camps because they refused to even say “heil hitler”. And over the years JWs have helped protect the freedom of speech we all love buy taking cases all the way to the supreme court. JWs helped at ground zero, I’ve repaired strangers homes after severe storms and my father ran a comms net after an F5 tornado took out Wichita Falls.

  4. SpiritualBrother Says:

    Pot calling the kettle black?

  5. Joe Says:

    Johvies don’t bother me anymore…

    Around 15 years ago 3 showed up on my porch too damn early one morning. 3 women, 1 a real pretty youngster around 16. I looked at the obvious mother and said” Hey, I know a guy in Mexico that’ll give you at least $50k for her.” Youngster didn’t get it but the looks on the other 2 were priceless.

    Haven’t heard form them since.{;>)

  6. McThag Says:

    The two most irritating atheists in my life are entirely focused on the vast Christian conspiracy to eliminate titty bars and porn. Seems to me that if we allowed brothels, we’d eliminate a goodly hunk of the vocal and militant atheists. They’d still believe there was no God, but they’d stop trying to convince me how evil all Christians are. They also seem to think that because I am not a Christian, I should agree with everything they say.

    I’ve spewed at length that the US is really a Christian nation, but a tolerant one. We non-Christians are sort of free riding on the environment created by them. Thanks!

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