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WaPo opposes ATF reform

Which they clearly don’t understand.

Says the unsigned editorial:

ONLY ABOUT 10 percent of the nation’s 100,000 licensed gun dealers are audited each year by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The ATF cannot fine wayward dealers; its only tool at the moment involves revoking a miscreant’s license. And that happens only about 100 times annually.

And those miscreants are usually guilty of such hideous violations as writing a Y instead of Yes.

2 Responses to “WaPo opposes ATF reform”

  1. ben Says:

    Wow, when was the last time you bought a gun 🙂

    They have checkboxes now.

  2. mariner Says:

    That’s only because ATF has already reduced the roll from ~400,000 to its current 100,000.

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