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Park carry, one year later

Blood in the streets, fathers killing other fathers at little league games. Wait, none of those doom and gloom predictions happened.

2 Responses to “Park carry, one year later”

  1. Gunstar1 Says:

    Georgia passed a parks law a couple years ago and the anti’s cried about the same thing. After 2 years of nothing, at one of the General Assembly meetings for another firearm bill the same anti was crying about something else and was asked what they thought about the fact that none of the dire predictions had come true and the anti just said “have not come true yet“.

  2. MJM Says:

    Thanks for the reminder. I enjoyed going through the debate on that issue, where the anti-RTKBA arguments all boiled down to just that fear.

    The primary effect of the change in the law was that their gun ban efforts introduced lots of gun owners to each other who would never otherwise have met.

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