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Faux pas

Tactical Pants Operator Error

Someone needed a box opened. So I stuck my hand in one of the many pockets of my tactical pants to get a blade and handed them a Kel-Tec magazine instead. Oops.

24 Responses to “Faux pas”

  1. ZerCool Says:

    No doubt this was followed by PSH, SWAT, Bomb Squad, psych evals, termination…

    Wait? You live in a Free State?


  2. Robert Says:

    If you get back to God, this kind of thing won’t happen. You are still in Tennessee, correct?

  3. Gregory Markle Says:

    I too have managed to pull the wrong item out of my pants at the wrong time. Embarrassing!

  4. Phelps Says:

    Rats, I was expecting a story about rule 4 and explosive emasculation.

  5. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    And what did we learn? Right, don’t keep magazines/ammo and knives in your pockets.

    I have seen more things stuffed into pistols and shotguns that were not magazines or ammo–chapsticks, suckers, knives, and even a lighter in an 870.

    Ammo belongs on belts. Knives are out of pockets.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    some of us don’t dress like ninjas at the office.

  7. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I’ve heard of several people answering their magazine when they heard ringing from the pocket.

    On a hot day I tied my jacket around my waist and dropped two bianchi speed strips on the ground. Oops.

  8. Will Says:

    Could’ve been worse…

  9. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Ninjas? Your suit jacket covers the magazines. What’s the problem?

  10. SayUncle Says:

    that i don’t wear a jacket at my desk.

  11. Pat Says:

    Weer’d, At least they didn’t answer the Kel-Tec!

  12. treefroggy Says:

    This is why I refuse to wear pants with more that 1 zipper. Just sayin’ Things happen.

  13. Rivrdog Says:

    Ewww! POCKET FUZZ in the magazine! Ewwww!

    I have a nice leather knife holster, which just happens to hold a Kel-Tec P3AT magazine. If you were to get down at Mr. Happy level to peer at my belt, you MIGHT see that the knife holster doesn’t contain a knife, but otherwise, no one knows but I.

    BTW, after treating your magazine to a Pocket Fuzz ride, I hope you regularly blow it out with some canned air. I keep a can of it on my bathroom counter just for this reason. I also blow off the fuzz on the P3AT every few days.

  14. Alex B Says:

    My washing machine always suffer from bullets…and gun parts left in my pockets…..

  15. geekWithA.45 Says:

    I too have answered my magazine when it rang.

  16. Spook45 Says:

    Open a box with that and youll…….start a fire.

  17. Lyle Says:

    “I too have answered my magazine when it rang.”

    Ever try to stuff a cell phone in your Glock?

    Even when I pocket carried, I’d keep the spare mag in a belt pouch. Most people take no notice, and those who do probably think it’s a phone or some such.

  18. SayUncle Says:

    lyle, at blackwater, i tried to stuff a blackberry into a Para.

  19. Rabbit Says:

    It would have been more embarrassing if it had been a magazine for a Lorcin.

  20. Mu Says:

    Hey, don’t rip those pants, I saw that article, ordered three pairs, and they are great. I’m wearing them right now in the office, so minus the filled magazine.

  21. Nancy R. Says:

    I bet Robb Allen doesn’t have that problem.

  22. Linoge Says:

    Could be worse, I guess. Could have been the firearm itself :).

  23. Stuart the Viking Says:

    I have an odd shaped cell phone that is just about the same size and shape as a double stack 9mm or .45 magazine. For a while I took to putting a double magazine carrier on my belt and using one side for the cell phone. I stopped because the design of the thing was such that it chaffed my fat shapes whenever I was sitting in my car. Fortuneately, I never tried to answer the spare mag from the other side of the carrier or stuff the cell phone into my gun. Mostly because I could imagine it happening so I was careful about it.


  24. Jeanette K. Says:

    Maybe they need a cell phone shaped like a magazine … or a blade? Too funny.

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