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Chicago Way

Obama may nominate Chicago head of ATF to head up ATF.

9 Responses to “Chicago Way”

  1. Tam Says:

    This is my surprised face -> ðŸ˜

  2. John Smith. Says:

    This guy is sure to be a winner. He must be one slick character. The way I understand it he is definitely not pro gun. Of course if odama chooses you then your moral compass must be visibly skewed. I am unsure if he has chosen someone for office that does not have a some sort of crime over their heads. After all he needs the leverage.

  3. Spook45 Says:

    well, can anyone here remember Ruby Ridge? Waco? the list goes on. Everything they touch is a LE nightmare.

  4. ericire12 Says:

    Remember when the left wouldnt shut up about Bush’s Crony-ism?

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    “Moving on up, to the East Side, to the Deluxe Apartment in the Skyyyy…” Can you say Recess Appointment?

  6. Linoge Says:

    Nope, never could have seen this coming from his previous decisions as President. Not at all…

  7. Paul Says:

    Sure Obama would nominate another member of the Capone club. Does not surprise me at all.

  8. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Who knows, maybe his next appointment will be the F troop glory hole agent.

  9. DirtCrashr Says:

    If he’s an Obama appointee you can bet he hasn’t paid taxes in years.

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