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Quote of the Day

David Hardy:

Someday historians may correlate that with changes in public opinion poll results, the near collapse of antigun legislative efforts, and even the judicial recognition of the right to arms. Americans historically loved firearms. US presidents were NRA members, government programs recruited and armed competitive shooters. Then in the 1960s that changed; the media in particular pushed the idea that gun owners were a dangerous, selfish, rather oafish lot. Perhaps fifty years later we’ve hit the end of that cycle?

5 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Change the culture, change the world.

  2. Stranger Says:

    All too briefly, the first study linking TV violence with societal violence hit the entertainment industry like a ton of bricks. When Tom Dodd scheduled hearings on the effects of TV violence on society, the industry panicked. A million dollars bought California, Illinois, and New Jersey’s gun control laws; while the media largely stood by with their mouths open.

    The murders of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy flipped the media into the gun control fray, a position they have yet to move away from. The far left media is and will remain an enemy of the Second Amendment. At least, so long as the public watches their programs and buys their papers.


  3. anon Says:

    “Perhaps fifty years later we’ve hit the end of that cycle?”

    The media are still pushing that idea.
    Regular readers here know that the difference now is, with the internet to disseminate the truth (on this and nearly every other issue) people are inoculated against the lies and the legacy media are steadily losing their grip and will soon fall into the abyss.

  4. Ron W Says:

    “Then in the 1960s that changed; the media in particular pushed the idea that gun owners were a dangerous, selfish, rather oafish lot.”

    Oh, you mean government officials and agents who have always owned and carried the guns??

    Yes! That’s all the more reason that their employers, we the people, need to own and carry guns!

  5. Jay Says:

    Let’s not forget that in the ’60s, folks were afraid of the Black Panthers et al. And recall that the Black Panthers carried guns because they were being murdered by police officers.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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