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Oil Filters Soon To Be Regulated

The $55 silencer:

This is a legal and registered silencer that is patent pending. It is an adapter that uses a disposable expansion chamber aka a car oil filter. You will get hundreds of shots untill it starts to get loud again. Then all you have to do is throw away the used can and thread another on our adapter.

So, you register the adapter. And replace oil filters. Actually sounds like they’re doing it lawfully. I imagine ATF will not let this stand long.

Discussion at subguns.

11 Responses to “Oil Filters Soon To Be Regulated”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Or will they? I meant they still get their $200 pound of flesh Tax…

  2. wizardpc Says:

    Weer’d: The purpose of the tax was to make them unaffordable. The price has not gone up since 1934, and in 1934 you could buy a Thompson SMG for….$200.

    So yeah I imagine the ATF will squash this.

  3. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Look at the ruling for the 2 liter pop bottle supressor. The adaptor is the registered part.

  4. nk Says:

    What ParatrooperJJ said. I remember, maybe as long as twenty years ago(?), when Neal Knox reported on the Senate hearings about NFA weapons. A witness had brought in a registered adapter and a 1-liter Coke bottle (duct tape too I guess). One Senator said, “That’s not concealable”. The witness said, “Yes, Senator, most suppressors are not concealable”.

  5. nk Says:

    Sorry, ParatrooperJJ is right — it was 2-liter bottle.

  6. nk Says:

    1934 you could buy a Thompson SMG for….$200.

    In 1923, when the Thompson first came out, you could buy a new Model T Ford for $424.00. 😉

  7. nk Says:

    I miss Neal Knox. Don’t get me wrong, I love the NRA to death, but it’s good to have somebody guarding your left flank.

  8. Chris Says:

    Hey everyone. My name is Chris, I own American Specialty Ammo. I am a authorized sales agent for Cadiz Gun Works who is manufacturing the oil filter adapters. Just wanted to answer some questions for you all. First the adapter is the registered part not the oil filter the same as the 2 litter pop bottle adapters. Second CGW had already registered these with the ATF and had had no problems and there had been hundreds of 2 litter pop bottle adapters registered with no problem. The adapter is designed for use and works best with 22lr however it has been tested and works with other calibers. This adapter is also Patent Pending. If anyone had any questions feel free to email me threw my website

  9. SayUncle Says:

    Thanks for the info, Chris.

  10. Standard Mischief Says:

    Hey Chris, is there a photo floating around somewhere?

  11. Chris Says:

    We will be releasing a photo shortly now that the patent has been filed. I will keep you updated.

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