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ABC News looks at the successful grassroots nature of the open carry movement.

3 Responses to “Grassroots”

  1. ZK Says:

    Good article, but towards the end, there’s a paragraph which hugely distorts the whole Starbucks episode.

  2. Ravenwood Says:


    Watch the video. Nightline outright says that it was the pro-gun crowd that lobbied Starbucks to permit lawful guns in their stores. This is a 180 from the truth.. that it was the antis who waged a publicity campaign to try to force Starbucks to ban guns when they had previously taken no position (either way) on the issue.

  3. Stranger Says:

    Chuckle. While I agree with the premise, that the grassroots are leaving the NRA in the dust, that is because a lot of us are willing to do what it takes to get the job done. It’s a lot harder for a legislator to tell the guy who ran much of his election campaign no than it is to tell an NRA lobbyist no. And if running a campaign is what it takes – so be it.

    But even at that, ABC will not drop its prejudices, or the absurd numbers that result from them. Fifty million gun owners? More like 200 million. Pop may have filled out the 4473 and paid the money but you won’t take that gun away from Mom.

    4.5 million new guns purchased a year? When there were 14 million NICS checks, the makers are cranking out almost ten million new guns a year, and the dealers racks are bare? How do you chop numbers like that?

    And so on and so on.


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