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Android 2.2 Froyo for Droid

Here’s how to force the upgrade. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Update: Ok, that was easy. Doesn’t really seem all that different though the phone, apps and browser buttons at the bottom are nice.

Update 2: Tethering. Sweet.

8 Responses to “Android 2.2 Froyo for Droid”

  1. Justin Buist Says:

    I pushed mine to 2.2 w/ a custom ROM the night before the official one was released. I, too, like the phone and browser buttons at the bottom. It felt silly having a phone that didn’t have an “act like a phone” button on the screen at all times.

    The ability to update all apps at once w/out hitting “Yes, Ok, yes, permit, install, blah” over and over again is finally there. I can’t believe they left it out for this long.

    I’m also happy that there’s 5 “home” screens now. With the old 3 I felt like I never had enough room for any cool widgets. Now I do. I just put ’em at the ends.

    The ‘Corprate Calendar’ being gone freaked me out at first. Then I figured out it was integrated with the regular ‘Calendar’ app which is nice. Now the 6-7 Google Calendars I use are displayed along side my work (Exchange) calendar. That’s awesome.

    And it does feel a bit zippier. I’m happy about that.

    Haven’t mucked around with Flash support yet. That’ll have to wait a bit.

  2. Diogenes Says:

    I may have to kick my Eris to the curb; grumble….

  3. Will Says:

    Mmmm…froyo. My Droid has been waiting for this deliciousness for quite some time.

  4. JP Says:

    I’ve been running a custom rom that at first used leaked 2.2 code, then google released it to developers and they switched over to the released code. Its been awesome.

    For home screen goodness, regardless of what version of android you’re on, you might want to check out ADW launcher. It replaces the stock launcher, gives you custom amount of screens between 1 and 7. Up to 4 stickied shortcuts on the bottom and the app drawer slides horizontally, rather than vertically (which I really prefer for whatever reason)

    Its free on the market.

  5. Jim W Says:

    I want droid x to be rooted already. It would be neat to be able to do wifi tethering sometimes.

  6. trackerk Says:

    Been running my Droid on 2.2 for almost 2 weeks. No problems at all.

  7. aczarnowski Says:

    Thanks for the pointer. Easy… And done.

    The path into my Exchange account was a little wonked up, but once that was fixed up I like it. I’m excited for the tethering, but I’m already liking how many sharp edges have been polished off. Email will find contact addresses now instead of having to start from Contacts, the “sound off” swipe understands vibrate is what I really want, browsing feels faster, and the whole phone just feels more responsive. Nice.

  8. Dan Says:

    No love for the 3G my Touch?

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