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Those darn bitter clingers

Are holding Mexico hostage:

How can it be possible that after 18 months in office, President Obama still has not appointed a director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the federal agency charged with monitoring illegal flows of weapons? We know the answer. The administration and Congress are scared of the gun lobby.

6 Responses to “Those darn bitter clingers”

  1. Freiheit Says:

    So tell me again where I can buy anti-tank rockets? I live just up the road from Knob Creek and even they don’t have those for sale.

    The US does have a hand in the Mexican drug war, but its not our guns. Its the prohibition on drugs that has created a massive illegal market, driven up prices, and keeps addicts underground.

  2. gb Says:

    That was a tremendous article. It shows, clearly, how the ingestion of certain substances(controlled or uncontrolled) can lead one to make a perfect a** of himself in public. ( I should know-my spouse says I do it all the time).

  3. Ron W Says:

    As one who is part of the Bill of Rights “lobby” (which includes the 2nd Amendment) I would be happy if the Obama Administration would do its Constitutional duty “to protect the States against invasion”.

    And just like the failed policy of Prohibition which resulted in criminal violence, Freiheit correctly points out that the “war on drugs” has resulted in the same…and is something for which the feds have NO “delegated powers”.

  4. TerryP Says:

    Man these people and their fairy-land BS. I just fired an e-mail response:

    Mr. Ignatius,
    Your ignorance of the subject is best reveled in your own words:

    “A recent weapons seizure in Nuevo Leon, just across the border from Texas, illustrates the drug traffickers’ arsenals. On May 11, after an armed confrontation, the Mexican army seized 124 assault rifles, 15 handguns, three anti-tank rockets, more than 5,000 rounds of ammunition and 1,375 ammo magazines.”

    * Three anti-tank rockets? They didn’t buy these at any U.S. gun store. Did it even occur to you that perhaps they are obtaining 83% of their small arms from the same place they obtained anti-tank rockets? Look to the usual suspects – arms dealers in N. Korea, Iran, the Middle East, and China… Why would these criminals bother buying one or two semi-auto guns at a time from U.S. gun stores when they can order fully automatic weapons by the boatload from any of the above. It is not like they would have any problems bringing them across the border.
    * 5,000 rounds of ammunition? That works-out to about 2/3 of a box of ammo per gun. I don’t know any self respecting shooter who would drive to the range with less than 3 boxes of ammunition per gun, none the less go to war.
    * 1,375 ammo magazines (at least you referred to them as magazines and not clips…). While 10 magazines per weapon is a little high (5 would be a more universal number). I will point out that with only 5,000 rounds that would be 3.6 rounds per magazine – come on! On the other hand, you should love it – that is better than California legal!

    I am sure that a hoplophobe like you will delete this message before gleaning the truth of it. I am sorry that your side can not make a real case for your cause. The truth will win in the end, so keep cooking the numbers.

  5. ATLien Says:

    e-mail response? the press is a very important thing, and when they willfully mislead their readers, they should be held accountable. an e-mail isn’t going to do that. they need to understand that it’s their ass when they do this shit.

  6. Billll Says:

    Putting the bong aside for a moment, (don’t worry, I have a prescription) I tell you this: Obama is sending an iron river of guns, ammo and military hardware south, and the Narcos are sending drugs and voters north.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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