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Where does the time go?

Junior is registering for first grade today.

14 Responses to “Where does the time go?”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Mine starts second grade next month…

    We’re talking about giving TheBoy his own computer now…

  2. SayUncle Says:

    i have my kids an old laptop of mine last year. amazing that my barely 4 year-old son son can’t read but he can find the spongebob games online.

  3. Tom L Says:

    A remember my daughter registering last year, I think. Maybe the year before . . .

    Now she is in her second year at Georgia Tech. Enjoy it while you can.

  4. nk Says:

    Congratulations. If your experience is the same as mine, her teacher will be introducing a new concept (whether reading, ‘riting or ‘rithmetic) every two weeks. Do spend the twenty minutes or so every evening to go through her homework with her. Another twenty to read together. Together, now, not just you to her.

    The other thing is, she’ll come home starving because they would rather socialize with their friends rather than finish their lunch. 😉

  5. Jay G. Says:

    TheBoy wants my Eee. I’m happy to donate it to his schoolboy needs – because it means I can get a bigger one for me… 😉

  6. George Says:

    I think it was George Carlin who answered the question of “Where does the time go?”


  7. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Man, Jay, when I was his age I had to go off in the woods where the highschool kids partied to look for discarded porn!

  8. Thirdpower Says:

    My two oldest are starting first grade this year as well.

  9. Diomed Says:

    Now the indoctrination will begin in earnest!

  10. TennGoodBoy Says:

    I didnt realize it then, but looking back over the years, when the kids were little was the best time…

  11. Jerry Says:

    I have two, Mugwump and Princette, 23 and 18. Love them to death while they’re little, those are the really fun years. When you can hug them without getting a funny look, and they still hug back. A hog from a child is a blessed thing.

  12. Jerry Says:

    Uhmm, aw, nevermind.

  13. rickn8or Says:

    Pups, alla ya’ll.

    My grandson starts first grade this year.

    I musta took a nap or something…

  14. nk Says:

    When you can hug them without getting a funny look, and they still hug back.

    The second to last time my father kissed me, I was eleven. The last time, when I was thirty-four and had just gotten married. I’m fifty-four, now, and he’s gone. My mother, too. When I cannot sleep at three in the morning, I picture them when they were thirty-nine and I was eleven and it comforts me.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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