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Domestic issues

Man shoots wife with black powder gun loaded with toilet paper.

Via the duck

3 Responses to “Domestic issues”

  1. John Says:

    “It’s unclear how the toilet paper was propelled from the firearm if there was no bullet.”

    Not enough physics classes needed for that journalism degree…

  2. nk Says:

    If my memory serves, some singer/actor blew his brains out with a blank — he held the pistol against his temple and even though there was no bullet his headbone became one.

    Another thing with blackpowder, you can make it detonate if you put in too much and pack it too much so it gets too hot before it gets a chance to burn itself out of the barrel.

  3. B Smith Says:

    What John said. I keep offering to write all the gun articles for my local ‘news’ rag, if they’ll just put me on their payroll. I figure I could make them look about a million times more credible…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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