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Quote of the Day

This weekend, the family went to see Toy Story 3. It was a decent flick. If you have kids and have had to watch the other movies like me, this one is actually a bit sad. Anyway, today’s quote comes from Barbie:

Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force!

Kids should probably be exposed to more ideas like that.

3 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Paul Says:

    ToyStory 3 had good messages on several levels. I personaly liked the way they handled the certain doom from which they were saved from.

    Despicable Me is pretty good as it has a life lesson buried in it that is quite good.

    It has been noted that although Hollywood seems to be morally bankrupt, the cartoonists get it.

  2. ka Says:

    Its a good quote, but totally wrong. Authority always derives from the threat of force. The only question is who has the force, the people or the politicians?

  3. dusty Says:

    The end of Toy Story 3 was horrific – they toys get destroyed in an inferno. Briefly: the movie ends with Woody and friends being given to a little girl who already has toys; we see that she lives in a nice house.

    No parents are going to be enthusiastic about old toys; most kids have too many toys already. A cardboard box of old toys will get trashed, no question. From the movie, we see that trash is burned in their town.

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