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From the glass house

A look at GOA and partisanship.

2 Responses to “From the glass house”

  1. WestBellevueDad Says:

    Are you suggesting that the linked site ( is to be taken seriously?

    If so, ‘splain the following:


    Congratulations to NASA: 41 Years of Deceiving the World

    […] For those of us who have sat down, studied it time and time again, and come to independent conclusions, we all know the truth: Apollo remains, to this day, the single biggest lie ever perpetrated by any government agency.

    End quote.

    So, a site that says “the moon landing was faked” is to be taken seriously on gun rights?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    OV lets different people write about different things. they have pro and anti gun authors. i’m sure they have someone to counter the moon landing buffoon.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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