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Redstate continues with its latest bogeyman

NRA says booga booga!

Shocking email shows Erick Erickson doesn’t know dick about gun laws.

12 Responses to “Redstate continues with its latest bogeyman”

  1. Guav Says:

    Do you know where I can get a pair of those email shoes? They sound amazing.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I type good.

  3. Guav Says:

    Why did you change it? That was an awesome typo!

  4. Rivrdog Says:

    Meh. The NRA hasn’t been on message for me, since Charlton Heston’s “Cold Dead Hands” speech. Were he alive today, Mr. Heston would tear up his NRA card and join GOA.

  5. Fiftycal Says:

    Erickson got full of himself like “little green footballs” did. GOA is less than a pimple on the ass of a bacteria on the ass of a mosquito. It’s not the “National REPUBLICAN association”. Erickson and the NY Times can kiss my ass.

  6. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    So, why does this RedState guy hate the NRA so much?

    Is it that he is a buffoon and does not understand guns or gun laws?

  7. SPQR Says:

    What a bunch of loons working up a load of foam spittle over the most trivial of issues – that the NRA actually has to engage in real-world compromise while dealing with legislation.

    What planet do they live on?

  8. Jerry Says:

    I think we should ALL read this “MSN” news link and then do some serious brainstorming. Think about it, LE officers about to be charged for murder. Why, you might ask? Because once, there was a city, and a storm came. Screw the conspiricy stuff, it was a fu*%ing HURRICANE! In that Hurricane(<–With a capitol letter, a FUCKING hurricane.) a city was de, er, forgive me, many cities were destroyed. And hurricane season is on our doorstep. Should we kill that people who come SCREAMING for help? Or, should we guide them.

    Sorry, just me,

  9. JD Says:

    Shootin’ Buddy Says:
    July 13th, 2010 at 9:20 pm
    “So, why does this RedState guy hate the NRA so much?”

    He’s ultra pissed that the NRA endorses pro-gun Dems. He’s a right winger (as am I) but he just can’t accept that the NRA will probably endorse Harry Reid. I don’t like it either but the NRA knows how to play politics better than most so I won’t question their decision…yet.

  10. Countertop Says:

    “GOA is less than a pimple on the ass of a bacteria on the ass of a mosquito.”

    That’s actually an insult to the puss in the pimple on the ass of the bacteria on the ass of a mosquito and ascribes to GOA far more credit and influence than they deserve.

  11. ExurbanKevin Says:

    1. Thanks for the link!
    2. As I said on the gun blog, GOA isn’t the boogeyman of the anti-gunners: They couldn’t care less about them. What gives Paul Hemke the cold sweats is the NRA, as they’re the only ones that are effective.

  12. straightarrow Says:

    “What gives Paul Hemke the cold sweats is the NRA, as they’re the only ones that are effective.” EX

    Why for God’s sake, they’re on the same side.

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