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Monkeys and machine guns

The Taliban training monkey terrorists to attack US troops?

9 Responses to “Monkeys and machine guns”

  1. Dustydog Says:

    You must have missed the Indiana Jones movie, where the monkey poisons the food.

    Personally, I wouldn’t be worried until they train monkeys to do this:

  2. Guav Says:

    Chinese tabloids are very credible sources.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    But they have pics!!!

    and i know. I just thought it was funny.

  4. Guav Says:

    Unfortunately, no story is too stupid to be breathlessly repeated by right wing blogs as fact.

    I heard Bat Boy has enlisted with the Northern Alliance to fight against the Taliban monkeys.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    I’m sending in tactical big foot. And an up-armored loch ness monster

  6. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Well, they may live in a cave, but they most certainly aren’t living on their own.

    Because they do have time for … eh screw it, there’s gonna be at least three people who got that.

  7. Matt Groom Says:

    This is the funniest fuckin’ thing I’ve seen in a month!

  8. BobG Says:

    They needed someone smarter than the usual jihadi volunteers.

  9. nk Says:

    The’re not monkeys. That’s what the Taliban look like without their turbans and nightshirts.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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