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Donate to a candidate and you could win a gun

Over at KNS, they mention if you make a political donation of at least $10 to Donn James who is running in the Fightin’ 8th and you get a chance on a M&P 15X Tactical Rifle 5.56mm/.233 (sic) Remington 16 inch Barrel 6-Position Stock Folding Rear Battle Sight. And ask about the legality. I dunno about election or gambling law but, yes, you transfer a firearm that you’ve won provided the transfer goes through a dealer.

One Response to “Donate to a candidate and you could win a gun”

  1. Nigel Tufnel Says:

    I’m the kind of guy who could use a .233 rifle. After all, my amp goes to 11.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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