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Happy Independence Day

Be safe.

4 Responses to “Happy Independence Day”

  1. DJMoore Says:

    My initial reaction to the safety admonition was, as it is every year, Piss Off! I like my fireworks!

    Then, I ran across a motivational that switched from The Declaration (“There’s saying….”) and Washington crossing the Delaware (“…And there’s doing.”) and I realized, this year, no, be safe, because the time may come when safety is not possible, and we will need all the fingers and eyes we can get, because there will barely be enough to start with.

    So, yeah, while the crisis lasts:

    Be safe. Enjoy. Celebrate our freedom, but remember what the fireworks symbolize, and treat them accordingly.

    Practice hurting your enemies, not yourself.

  2. Mikee Says:

    Recent posts on fireworks, dry ice bombs, mini-canons, and of course lotsa firearms make the admonition “Be Safe” not only appropriate but welcome. Sort of like when my 16 year old daughter grabs the car keys, and I say, “Drive carefully.”

    I purchased 6 mortar-type fireworks and a roll of 500 firecrackers. My wife on the other hand, has two shopping bags full of DANGER. The dogs were howling out back last night as the neighbors shot off some early stuff. Tonight they will be cowering under the beds.

  3. Huck Says:

    It’s going to sound like a Civil War re-enactment here tonight. Fun times! 🙂

  4. Ron W Says:

    God Bless the Republic–Long Live the Revolution!

    “…the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forefathers fought are still at issue around the globe… the beliefs that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state…but from the hand of God. We dare not forget that we are the heirs of THE FIRST REVOLUTION.”
    — President John F. Kennedy, Jan 20, 1961

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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