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I’m Lovin’ It

To lighten the mood, list your favorite McDonald pun. Heller had so many good ones.

12 Responses to “I’m Lovin’ It”

  1. Cliff Says:

    After today it will be safer to go to a McDonald’s in Chicago.

    Weak, I know, but all I could come up with on the spur of the moment.

  2. Mr Fixit Says:

    NRA to Daley: “you want fries with that?”

  3. Jerry Says:

    Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a Great Big BITE ME, Mayor Daley.

  4. karrde Says:

    Old McDonald had a gun…E-I-E-I-O.
    Chicago wouldn’t let him keep it…E-I-E-I-O

    And I run out of ideas right about there.

    McDonald can’t keep his pistol? Heller, yes he can!

  5. DirtCrashr Says:

    I’m think of a “Heller Kitty” shirt for McDonald…

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Heard a rumor that, starting tomorrow, the local Chicago McDonalds will be putting in a box of .357 SJHP’s in every Happy Meal……

  7. kaveman Says:

    Heavily armed zombie clowns?

  8. Matthew Carberry Says:

    The new McDonald Happy Meal, made with 100% Sad Panda.

  9. Lokidude Says:

    Now when Dick Daley threatens to shove a gun where the sun don’t shine, he’ll just say he was supersizing the reporter.

    Chicago: home of supersize crime.

  10. Mikee Says:

    Old McDonald had a case,
    Ee Ii Ee Ii O,
    And in that case he had a win,
    Ee Ii Ee Ii O,
    With a win, win here,
    And a win, win there,
    Here a win, there a win,
    Everywhere a win, win!
    Old McDonald won his case,
    Ee Ii Ee Ii O!

  11. ericire12 Says:

    All this is gonna do is make it easier for the Hamburgler to get guns…. Its too bad the Court didnt have the McNuggents to decide in favor of the up hold the transfat ban. Ketchup is gonna run in the streets people!

  12. Andrew Says:

    Old McDonald had a gun, eieioooooo

    And with his gun he shot some con, eieioooooo

    With a “bang bang” here and a “bang bang” there, here a “bang”, there a “bang” everywhere a “bang bang”

    Old McDonald had a gun, eieioooooo

    Mikee wins though!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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