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Nissan Leaf

Autocar test drives Nissan’s coal-powered car.

4 Responses to “Nissan Leaf”

  1. nk Says:

    It’s 745 watts per 1 horsepower, I’m told. Now if you don’t mind sitting atop of the equivalent of twenty-some electric chairs ….

  2. Lyle Says:

    I think the coal/electrics are sorta cool, in a technical sense. We just have to be able separate the technology from the politics, by getting government out of the energy and transportation businesses. If enough people want these machines to justify making them, then fine. If not, I’m sure someone can come up with some other cool stuff. It’s what we do.

    As it is, this technology is a political creation, and that diminishes its coolness considerably. Now what I’d really like is a two place autogyro.

  3. Nick Says:

    A coal powered Nissan Leaf is cleaner then a Prius.

    Plus it has tons of space in the back to hold all your weapons!

  4. Leatherwing Says:

    As long as there are “fueling” stations every 100 miles or so, and you have 8 hours worth of stuff to do while you fill up, it’d be great!
    With one of those, I could get from my house in NC to my mother’s house in Texas in, oh 100 hours, instead of the 16 – 18 it takes now. Sounds like a good way to guarantee a smaller search radius.

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