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Quote of the Day

Penn Jillette:

if you want to find utopia, take a sharp right on money and a sharp left on sex and it’s straight ahead.

Doubt you’ll find utopia but I can dig it.

14 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. ericire12 Says:

    See, its not the destination. Its the journey. 😉

  2. anon Says:

    Money can’t buy you love…but you sure can rent it.

  3. Mikee Says:

    A sharp right and a sharp left leaves you traveling in the same direction as before, just off to the side a bit.

  4. Jake Says:

    a sharp right on money and a sharp left on sex

    Funny, that sounds a bit libertarian-ish.

    Honestly, I think libertarians just confuse liberals. They see the fiscally conservative resistance to wealth redistribution (i.e., socialism) and their minds just can’t reconcile that with the socially liberal “mind your own business” philosophy, so they just pigeonhole libertarians as “whacko conservatives.” It’s like they think that if you’re “conservative” about one thing, you have to be “conservative” about everything.

  5. Matt Groom Says:

    Why would anybody read Vanity Fair for something other than a school project? His entire intro is “I hate Glenn Beck, and I don’t know why. I refuse to watch or listen to his shows, even when I write an article that references them multiple times. Apparently, Penn Jillette, of whom I have only a limited knowledge of, was on his show.” and other run-on sentences.

  6. DirtCrashr Says:

    A lot of run-on sentences. It’s practically a blog post.

  7. Jake Says:

    Apparently, Penn Jillette, of whom I have only a limited knowledge of, was on his show.” and other run-on sentences.

    I had the same impression.

    Jillette drank the Kool-Aid and joined the Dark Side. He and Beck were like old chums, giggling about Obama’s attempts at health care reform and envisioning a world where guns are available to anybody with an itchy trigger finger.

    I read that, and my first thought was “Has he ever actually watched Penn and Teller?”

  8. ATLien Says:

    Yuu think we don’t need a civil war? Every time someone says publicly that the government should follow the Constitution (i.e., the Rules), certain people talk about how hateful and paranoid that person is. We can’t go back now. Either get with the Constitution, or die.

  9. JohnW Says:

    “I read that, and my first thought was “Has he ever actually watched Penn and Teller?””
    About as much as he’s watched Glen Beck.

  10. SPQR Says:

    Spitznagel? Is there a contest for people whose name perfectly describes their drivel?

  11. Jay Says:

    JohnW, Jake and Matt: The article is an interview with Penn, with whom the author is apparently friends. Read past the introduction.

  12. Jerry Says:

    I think Teller is telling him what to say.

  13. Laughingdog Says:

    “But it did remind me of Dennis Miller, a comic I once thought was smart and funny but now just makes me cringe with his shameless partisan pandering.”

    Because, as we all know, it’s only partisan pandering if it’s right wing. SNL is never, ever partisan.

  14. Paul Says:

    Utopia is a myth.

    At least in this Universe.

    On the otherhand, Hell can be found.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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