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It’s the NRA’s government, we just all have to live under it. And that apparently is accepted fact for everyone, including the traditional media.

Totally clueless.

10 Responses to “Hysterical”

  1. Stranger Says:

    The NRA exception to the DISCLOSE act has recoiled to the extent that two of the three original sponsors say they cannot vote for it. As have quite a number of former supporters.

    So perhaps the Dimocrats will not get to muzzle corporate political speech in this election cycle after all.

    And with any luck, many of those who would have voted to restrict free political speech will never get the chance to vote on anything after Wednesday, January 3rd, 2011.


  2. Ron W Says:

    So the Bill of Rights only applies to members in those organizations who are big enough. “The equal protection of the laws” (14th Amendment) is thrown out. It does seem that the NRA likes to have it that they are THE only recognized gun rights organization and others can be thrown under the bus–the government rolling over the Bill of Rights.

    In the matter of defending gun rights and ALL of our rights, I want as many organizations and individuals working toward their defense!!

  3. Miguel Says:

    Whoa… Ron seems upset that the Free NRA ride might be over.

  4. Wolfwood Says:

    You know…how much of this is NRA being self-serving and how much is it using itself as a poison pill?

  5. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Ron, by acting the Poison Pill the NRA is now White Knight.

    Politics are hard.

  6. Don Says:

    It may just be my ignorance, but isn’t there a danger with this type of thing where the “carved-out” exception is ruled unconstitutional and the remaining portion of the law stands?

  7. Kristopher Says:

    The bill itself is evil. BY exempting the NRA but not, say, Planned Parenthood, they have managed to make this bill DOA.

    I don’t think the libtards ever considered that making the NRA disclose member lists is just as evil as making P.P. disclose member lists … in fact, they probably never even thought of the possibility that some future far right government might use such legislation to harass their pet orgs.

  8. Captain Holly Says:

    So that would mean the NRA is responsible for killing the bill after all? Priceless.

    What would be even better if this were part of a deliberate strategy by the NRA.

    That exploding sound you hear is the heads of all the NRA-bashers who thought they were “caving” on this bill.

  9. DirtCrashr Says:

    I’m all tickled!!

  10. The NRA Says:

    Yeah, we meant to do that! We knew all along this totalitarian bill would never pass, we were just doing our part to try to protect your freedom of speech. That’s the ticket.

    Now, if you’ll pardon me, I have a date with Brooke Shields…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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