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Bird attacks RC plane

9 Responses to “Bird attacks RC plane”

  1. Metulj Says:

    I think that’s a jackdaw, not a raven.

    They’ve been sighted in the North America, but they’re very common and testy bird in Europe.

  2. Crotalus Says:

    Time for some itty bitty machine guns!

  3. Steve b, Ireland Says:

    It appears to be a variant of a jackdaw, here in Ireland they attack buzzards in just the same fashion. Makes for quite a show!

  4. Sebastian Says:

    I don’t think Jackdaw. It’s a Hooded Crow:

  5. rkh Says:

    It’s amazing that the bird didn’t get caught up in the prop.

  6. Dixie Says:

    I can’t shake him!

  7. JJR Says:

    I, for one, welcome our new Avian overlords.

  8. comatus Says:

    Yeats was wrong: as it turns out, the falcon can hear the falconer quite well. I would remind those who think there is no defence against UAV’s just who it is who has the most falconers (and, with our budget cuts, the most fighting falcons) in the world.

  9. DrStrangegun Says:

    That’s no bird. That’s the reincarnated soul of some lost fighter pilot 🙂

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